we in Brahma Shakti School provide Speech/language therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy under the guidance well trained therapists. As a part of our curriculum these therapists develop a treatment plan according to the need of the child
There can be many reasons for speech and language development of a child -conditions like cerebral Palsy, autism, hearing loss, developmental delays. Sometimes children may comprehend the language but fail to communicate due to difficulty in their speech in other cases they may find challenge in hand gestures and facial expressions.
Speech therapy is a clinical program designed to improve language skills and motor abilities. It involves treatment of speech and communication disorders. Children may have different speech and language problems. For example children who are able to talk but need to work on clearer speech or building language by learning new words, speak in sentences or learning skills. Children who cannot talk can learn sign languages Speech therapists may use or special equipments which may speak for them. Children who can talk but struggle but struggle with communication issues likes facial expression or gestural language use.
Speech therapists use different methods to work speech and language issues depending upon the challenge.
For articulation problems speech therapists may use popsicle sticks, fingers, whistles, straws to help child gain control over the muscles of the mouth, tongue or throat.
it is disruption in the fluency of speech and is also called “disfluencies”. For example some words are repeated and others preceded by “um” or “uh’. It impedes communication when to many of them are produced while speaking.
Physical Therapy also known as physiotherapy focuses on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination and strength and endurance. Gross motor skills include crawling, walking, kicking, jumping, and climbing stairs while fine motor skills include use of smaller muscles of the body like holding spoon or picking stick from the ground.
Physical therapists evaluates the child to assess joint and muscle function, strength, mobility, oral motor skills like feeding and talking. Physical therapy supports children to develop motor skills and improve strength.
The major goal of physical therapy services is to enhance function and mobility to advance to promote participation in home, school, and community activities.